Youth Choirs
(208) 557-3344


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A huge THANK YOU to our students, parents, and guests for a fantastic Winter Concert!1.jpg
With the arrival of the New Year comes a New Choir Semester!  For this semester, our small but mighty choirs will combine to form one choir but will plan to divide again as our numbers continue to grow.

Our choir will learn and present songs that reflect this semeter's theme while learning proper vocal technique, stage presence, storytelling, and music theory. 

Our choir is filled with youth from all over the community and we pride ourselves on making a safe space for all kids to learn, grow and have a TON of fun. IFYAC is the place where kids can learn and grow in many ways including our Mentorship program in which students work along side our director, Mary Bunn. 

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Choir Details:

Dynamic Youth Chorus
First Day: January 14, 2020
Ages: 8-18
Rehearse: Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm
Idaho Falls Youth Arts Centre - 1470 Chamberlain Avenue, Idaho Falls, Idaho
 2nd Semester Pricing     $100
The registration process for our choirs is paperless - please fill out the Registration Form below. Upon submission of your Registration Form, you will be directed to PayPal to complete the payment process. Registration is not complete until payment is complete. Please contact us at (208) 557-3344 with any questions or concerns about the registration form, tuition payment, scholarships, or setting up a payment plan.



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Here's what we do...

The Idaho Falls Youth Arts Centre provides quality opportunities for youth in the arts to enrich their lives through participation in music, dramatic arts and creative movement. The Idaho Falls Youth Arts Centre fosters a positive outlet for youth to build on their unique skills and talents.  Through participation in choir, strings, musical theatre, artistic workshops, and dance through artistic growth and achievement, youth are empowered with a positive self-image that benefits the entire community.

How you can be a part of our family...

Idaho Falls Youth Arts Centre is an organization literally born within a community of volunteers. From the very beginning of the first Idaho Falls Little Theatre production to the inception of the Idaho Falls Youth Arts Centre, to today, volunteers have had, and continue to have, a vital and invaluable role at IFYAC. We are a diverse organization interested in volunteers with a wide variety of talents, skills, and willingness to educate and enrich the lives of youth through the performing arts.

To find out more about volunteer opportunities, send us a note or call (208) 557-3344.

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