Choir registration for the 2022-2023 is now open!
The members of the youth choir will be learning about different kinds of music and will have a blast building friendships through learning our music.
Choir Details:
Youth Choirs
Ages 8-18
Practice Mondays from 4:00 to 6:00pm
at IFYAC (1470 Chamberlain, Idaho Falls)
Basic/intermediate singing technique and music theory
Full Year
1st Semester
2nd Semester
* Siblings receive a discount of $15 for full-year registrations.
The registration process for our choirs is paperless - please fill out the Registration Form below. Upon submission of your Registration Form, you will be directed to PayPal to complete the payment process. Registration is not complete until payment is complete. Please contact us at (208) 557-3344 with any questions or concerns about the registration form, tuition payment, scholarships, or setting up a payment plan. Because we have to immediately allocate funds to the program, only partial refunds are available until the first day of the course. After the course begins, we are unable to process refunds.
*** We do have limited scholarship funds available for choir. Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more. ***